Save the date! Our LOWVELO24 Awards Ceremony takes place March 4, 2025.
LOWVELO25 registration opens the same day. More details soon!

Rallying together
for one great cause

two riders with hands held together in the air cross the finish line at Lowvelo23 with more riders behind them

LOWVELO / [ low·vel·oh ] / Noun. A combination of the words Lowcountry and velo, the French word for “bike.” A cycling event that brings a dedicated group of riders, volunteers, virtual participants, sponsors and staff members together to raise funds for innovative and lifesaving cancer research at the state’s only National Cancer Institute-designated cancer center: MUSC Hollings Cancer Center in Charleston.

group of riders crossing finish

Curing cancer together!

LOWVELO brings individuals, communities and organizations together each November. In the process, we’re creating amazing memories and honoring cancer survivors and loved ones lost. 

Check out our LOWVELO24 Photo Gallery for an inside look at last year’s event. 

LOWVELO is for everyone

LOWVELO offers participants a choice of five cycling routes to experience beautiful Lowcountry landscapes. We also have a stationary ride and the virtual LOWVELO Home Team option for those who can’t join us in person or who prefer to cycle, walk, or run on their own.

We’ll give you inspiration along the way to train and create a healthier lifestyle — yet another way to fulfill our mission of cancer prevention and awareness. Want to participate in LOWVELO but not as a rider?  Become a LOWVELO volunteer

a large group of riders pose together before the ride
researchers in lab

100% dedicated to cancer research

When you participate in LOWVELO, you know where your money goes. All of your hard work and sweat equity goes directly to support lifesaving cancer research happening at MUSC Hollings Cancer Center.

LOWVELO24 Recap: A record-breaking ride!

What a ride! LOWVELO24 was our biggest event yet with a record-breaking 1,895 riders, 267 volunteers, and $900k raised (and counting) for lifesaving and innovative cancer research at MUSC Hollings Cancer Center! 

Whether you are riding, donating, or volunteering, your support makes a big impact on lifesaving cancer research at Hollings. Check out our blog, the Hollings News Center and our videos for the latest updates about our amazing researchers and participants.

Join the cause

Registration for LOWVELO25 will open in spring 2025. Participation includes a LOWVELO25 T-shirt, cycling jersey (for 23-, 50- and 80-mile riders only), swag bag, and admission to the Packet Pick-up Party at Firefly Distillery, Finish Line Block Party after the ride and the LOWVELO25 Awards Ceremony in early 2026.

Top Participants

Total Raised: $102,173
Total Raised: $47,005
Total Raised: $29,967
Total Raised: $26,457
Total Raised: $22,553
Total Raised: $16,161
Total Raised: $10,000
Total Raised: $8,101
Total Raised: $7,510
Total Raised: $6,896

Top Teams

Total Raised: $118,341
Total Raised: $56,389
Total Raised: $51,230
Total Raised: $44,441
Total Raised: $39,613
Total Raised: $34,071
Total Raised: $32,755
Total Raised: $26,382
Total Raised: $25,586
Total Raised: $18,196
smiling man riding bike pumps his fist in celebration

Since LOWVELO first took hold in 2019, we’ve been amazed at how our community has come together to raise money for cancer research and make a difference in the lives of those affected by cancer. Events like this really do make a difference in the fight against a disease that touches so many.

Dr. Raymond N. DuBois

MUSC Hollings Cancer Center director

Presenting Sponsor

Beemok Family Foundation logo